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Liquid and dry cargo claims

Liquid and Dry Cargo Contamination Claims
This category of claims are very common among the marine industry and will often involve our Tanker Mariners and Chemists working closely together, looking at the contamination claim from their different perspectives, based on their combined, considerable experience. Most of the times the cause of a cargo off specification is extremely difficult to identify and even more difficult is to understand when and where it took place and who is at fault, whether it’s vessels’ or shippers’ or others’. It takes both a deep knowledge of the various chemical properties of the hundreds types of cargoes which are shipped daily around the world and a deep knowledge of the vessel’s structures and operations. LCC provides chemical consultancy to the marine industry with specific relevance to the forensic investigation on quality disputes for shipments of petroleum products, chemicals, vegetable oils, coal, ores and other dry bulk cargoes. This is the core of our activity and our team is used to attend on board vessels everywhere all over the world at a very short notice.
Our Chemists arrange and attend appropriate analysis of samples at laboratories all over the world. They will help to design the testing regime to be relevant in tracing the nature, extent and cause of contamination and to ensure the continued provenance of the samples and results throughout.
Our Chemists form opinions based on the test results and will write expert advices and reports on the likely cause of the contamination.

Bunker dispute

Bunkering is the name of the vessel’s “refuelling” operation.
Lab Cosulich Consultants chemists have a broad range of expertise which can be called upon in connection with the investigation and handling of bunker claims and associated engine damage disputes. In cases of dispute, our chemists provide advices on sampling and testing procedures, and will design a detailed analysis program to (i) assess compliance with routine ISO 8217 Table 2 test requirements, (ii) investigate the presence of adulterants (which may place the fuel in breach of the General Requirements of the International Standard) and (iii) explore causal damage mechanisms.
Since 1952, LCC Marine has been performing professional Bunker Surveys successfully assisting its clients to mitigate numerous bunker quantity and quality disputes.
Our fully certified petroleum laboratory is highly qualified in testing for ISO 8217 specs.

Cargo tanks cleaning

Too many times cargo holds/tanks are unfairly rejected by the cargo inspector at loading port causing considerable economical damages to all parties involved. Most of the times the cargo inspectors at load port mark the vessel’s holds/tanks as “dirty” without taking into account that they should be question the holds/tanks status of “suitability to load” the next cargo instead of their subjective status of “clean” or “dirty”.
Economically efficient and time effective tank cleaning operation is a matter of great experience acquired out in the field and in depth chemical knowledge of the hundreds of different cargoes shipped every day at sea.
Our petroleum chemists attend an average of 40 to 50 tank cleaning operation every year. LCC consultant chemists are well known industry experts in tanks cleaning operations. Their skills include the knowledge to assess the different cleanliness degree required by the different cargoes to be loaded, each of them with their unique quality specifications that needs to be considered during tanks preparation.
In addition our chemists will provide you with their extensive knowledge of the appropriate chemical detergents effective in washing specific cargoes residues from the vessel’s cargo tanks.
On these basis LCC chemists are frequently asked to board the vessels during navigations to arrange and supervise the cargo tanks cleaning operations in order for the vessel to arrive at the next loading port with her cargo tanks in indisputable cleanliness conditions.
Post cleanliness survey are also performed routinely by our chemists. Wall Wash Procedure and tanks cleaning inspection jointly with other cargo surveyors are within our core business and most appreciated services.

Stainless steel cargo tank passivation

Stailess steel cargo tanks have many advantages vs. coated tanks, and this is reflected in their higher costs. For examples with regards to cleaning procedure stainless steel tanks are easier to wash and generally require less maintenance interventions in comparison to coated tanks.
This considered, stainless steel tanks are subject to corrosion and should undergo a “passivation” process at least every two years.
The Passivation procedure involves the creation of an outer layer of shield material that is created allowing to build from spontaneous oxidation in the air. As a technique, passivation is used to create a shell against corrosion which will prevent the formation of corrosive erosions phenomenon as pitting. The formation of pitting is non reversible and should therefore be closely monitored and prevented.
All LCC Consultants Chemists are FOSFA certified surveyors and experts in stainless steel cargo tanks passivation techniques, both using Nitric and Citric acids.
On these basis LCC chemists are frequently asked to join the vessels during short navigations in order to arrange and supervise the passivation of the stainless steel cargo tanks to assure the success of the chemical treatment in restoring the passive layer and the issuance of the relative Passivation Certificate.

Cargo tanks/holds coating conditions

The good maintenance of the coating for cargo holds and, specially cargo tanks, is of paramount importance to avoid any cross cargo contamination. The correct assessment of the coating suitability of the cargo tanks/holds to load a specific cargo requires extensive experience and deep knowledge of the chemical composition of the previous and following cargoes to be loaded. As an example, the aging of the coating is not necessarily an issue for a vast number of petroleum cargoes, while it is detrimental for the vast majority of chemical and vegetable oil cargoes.
LCC Consultants chemists are highly specialized in the fine job of assessing the cargo tanks/holds suitability to load next cargoes. They are used to travel at short notice at the site of loading to perform an in depth cargo tanks/holds inspection providing highly tailor-made advises on the complete list of cargoes which can be carried within the Vessel’s cargo tanks/holds.
Several times cargo holds/tanks are unfairly rejected by the cargo inspector at loading port. Most of the times the cargo inspectors at load port mark the vessel’s holds/tanks as “poor coating condition” without taking into account that they should be questioning the holds/tanks status of “suitability to load” the next cargo instead of their subjective status of coating condition.

Cargoes sequence: loading suitability

LCC consultant chemists are highly specialized in advising its clients for cross cargo compatibility. Loading-on-top suitability for different cargoes as well as efficient procedures to successfully load the next cargo are within our core expertise. Our chemists experts advises are employed by our clients to load without fear of causing cross contaminations which would result in very expensive cargo reconditioning, large depreciations or, in extreme cases, total losses.
We have a name in the industry for providing advises in a clear format, assisting the Master with step-by-step procedures to be undertaken and managing any possible difficulties the crew may encounter during the process.